Linda Fraser-Wilson
Programme Support/Administrator


  • Diploma and certificate in Security Management (Leicester Univerisity)
  • Accredited ~Life Coach (accredited through Institute of Leadership and Management)


As Programme Support/Administrator;

I am responsible for keeping course and student details up to date, and providing support and guidance to everyone about anything that is not related to course work, including information about University services, maintaining various documents to identify achievement and progression, who to contact if there is concern about anything, updating details, information about living in the UK, accommodation, and much more.
I am also responsible for the attendance monitoring of students (meeting with them to discuss absence) and providing them with 1-1 pastoral support.

In addition, I provide support to new members of support staff in all Pathway Centres when using various systems for the first time. I have also been on the interview panel for recruitment of new QA Admin staff.

I have extensive experience of Administration processes, managing teams (2 – 18) over a period of 20 years, events management/co-ordinating, interviewing new staff at all levels, learning and development manager, records management.

I am also an accredited life coach (accredited by ILM), have experience in mentoring/counselling and gained qualifications in Security Management (Leicester University).

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